The Anglo-Saxon genius for parliamentary government asserted itself; there was a great deal of talk and no decisive action.
The Invisible Man
H. G. Wells
When a man gets into his head an idea that the public voice calls for him, it is astonishing how great becomes his trust in the wisdom of the public.
Framley Parsonage
Anthony Trollope
It is a remarkable thing with reference to men who are distressed for money—distressed as was now the case with Mr. Sowerby—that they never seem at a loss for small sums, or deny themselves those luxuries which small sums purchase. Cabs, dinners, wine, theatres, and new gloves are always at the command of men who are drowned in pecuniary embarrassments, whereas those who don't owe a shilling are so frequently obliged to go without them!
Framley Parsonage
Anthony Trollope
Having a comfortable allowance from his father, he could devote the whole proceeds of his curacy to violet gloves and unexceptionable neck ties.
Barchester Towers
Anthony Trollope
There is, perhaps, no greater hardship at present inflicted on mankind in civilised and free countries than the necessity of listening to sermons.
Barchester Towers
Anthony Trollope
He lives, then, on ginger-nuts, thought I; never eats a dinner, properly speaking; he must be a vegetarian then; but no; he never eats even vegetables, he eats nothing but ginger-nuts. My mind then ran on in reveries concerning the probable effects upon the human constitution of living entirely on ginger-nuts.
Bartleby, the Scrivener
Herman Melville
A man who is a gentleman in his cups may be trusted to be a gentleman at all times.
He Knew He Was Right
Anthony Trollope
"Give me honorable enemies rather than ambitious ones, and I'll sleep more easily by night."
A Game of Thrones
George R. R. Martin
He was born to be a senator. He never said anything important, and he always said it sonorously.
Elmer Gantry
Sinclair Lewis
"A beautifully constructed borshch, such as you are going to experience presently, ought not only to banish conversation but almost to annihilate thought."
Beasts and Super-Beasts