Humorous Quotes

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Having a comfortable allowance from his father, he could devote the whole proceeds of his curacy to violet gloves and unexceptionable neck ties. ~ Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope There is, perhaps, no greater hardship at present inflicted on mankind in civilised and free countries than the necessity of listening to sermons. ~ Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope He lives, then, on ginger-nuts, thought I; never eats a dinner, properly speaking; he must be a vegetarian then; but no; he never eats even vegetables, he eats nothing but ginger-nuts. My mind then ran on in reveries concerning the probable effects upon the human constitution of living entirely on ginger-nuts. ~ Bartleby, the Scrivener by Herman Melville "Give me honorable enemies rather than ambitious ones, and I'll sleep more easily by night." ~ A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin He was born to be a senator. He never said anything important, and he always said it sonorously. ~ Elmer Gantry by Sinclair Lewis "A beautifully constructed borshch, such as you are going to experience presently, ought not only to banish conversation but almost to annihilate thought." ~ Beasts and Super-Beasts by Saki The sacrifices of friendship were beautiful in her eyes as long as she was not asked to make them. ~ Beasts and Super-Beasts by Saki His socks compelled one's attention without losing one's respect. ~ The Chronicles of Clovis by Saki People talk vaguely about the innocence of a little child, but they take mighty good care not to let it out of their sight for twenty minutes. ~ Reginald by Saki The revenge of an elder sister may be long in coming, but, like a South-Eastern express, it arrives in its own good time. ~ Reginald by Saki

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