Tears Quotes

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The book of female logic is blotted all over with tears, and Justice in their courts is for ever in a passion. ~ The Virginians by William Makepeace Thackeray Laughter and tears are meant to turn the wheels of the same machinery of sensibility; one is wind-power, and the other water-power; that is all. ~ The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Joy and grief were mingled in the cup; but there were no bitter tears: for even grief itself arose so softened, and clothed in such sweet and tender recollections, that it became a solemn pleasure, and lost all character of pain. ~ Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens But, tears were not the things to find their way to Mr. Bumble's soul; his heart was waterproof. ~ Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens "Give me a moment, because I like to cry for joy. It's so delicious, John dear, to cry for joy." ~ Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens "There is no deception now, Mr. Weller. Tears," said Job, with a look of momentary slyness, "tears are not the only proofs of distress, nor the best ones." ~ The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens "O devil, devil! If that the earth could teem with woman's tears, each drop she falls would prove a crocodile." ~ Othello by William Shakespeare "I may be strong-minded, but no one can say I'm out of my sphere now, for woman's special mission is supposed to be drying tears and bearing burdens." ~ Little Women by Louisa May Alcott A wild, wick slip she was - but, she had the bonniest eye and sweetest smile, and lightest foot in the parish: and, after all, I believe she meant no harm; for when once she made you cry in good earnest, it seldom happened that she would not keep you company, and oblige you to be quiet that you might comfort her. ~ Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. ~ Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

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