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Fair speech may hide a foul heart. ~ The Two Towers by J. R. R. Tolkien "What does the brain matter," said Lady Rosseter, getting up, "compared with the heart?" ~ Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf No tear dropped over that pillow; in such straits as these, the heart has no tears to give,—it drops only blood, bleeding itself away in silence. ~ Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe Of course, in a novel, people's hearts break, and they die, and that is the end of it; and in a story this is very convenient. But in real life we do not die when all that makes life bright dies to us. ~ Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe Saturday morning was come, and all the summer world was bright and fresh, and brimming with life. There was a song in every heart; and if the heart was young the music issued at the lips. There was cheer in every face and a spring in every step. ~ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain "Oh! I have a heart to be stabbed in or shot in, I have no doubt," said Estella, "and of course if it ceased to beat I should cease to be. But you know what I mean. I have no softness there, no—sympathy—sentiment—nonsense." ~ Great Expectations by Charles Dickens It is not possible to know how far the influence of any amiable honest-hearted duty-doing man flies out into the world; but it is very possible to know how it has touched one's self in going by. ~ Great Expectations by Charles Dickens My tongue will tell the anger of my heart,
Or else my heart, concealing it, will break. ~ The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare There are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without encouragement. ~ Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen "Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight!
For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." ~ Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

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