Bee Quotes

Bee Quotes

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4 Bee Quotes from Literature

Bee Quotes

"Bees do have a smell, you know, and if they don't they should, for their feet are dusted with spices from a million flowers." ~ Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury The sky was of the deepest blue, with a few white, fleecy clouds drifting lazily across it, and the air was filled with the low drone of insects or with a sudden sharper note as bee or bluefly shot past with its quivering, long-drawn hum, like an insect tuning-fork. ~ Beyond the City by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle The air came laden with the fragrance it caught upon its way, and the bees, upborne upon its scented breath, hummed forth their drowsy satisfaction as they floated by. ~ The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens "He said the pleasantest manner of spending a hot July day was lying from morning till evening on a bank of heath in the middle of the moors, with the bees humming dreamily about among the bloom, and the larks singing high up overhead, and the blue sky and bright sun shining steadily and cloudlessly." ~ Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

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