Others had been a little wild, which was not to be wondered at, and not very blamable; but, he had made a lamentation and uproar which it was dangerous for the people to hear, as there is always contagion in weakness and selfishness.
Wreck of the Golden Mary by
Charles Dickens
Remember to the last, that while there is life there is hope.
Wreck of the Golden Mary by
Charles Dickens
I admire machinery as much is any man, and am as thankful to it as any man can be for what it does for us. But it will never be a substitute for the face of a man, with his soul in it, encouraging another man to be brave and true.
Wreck of the Golden Mary by
Charles Dickens
Old Mr. Rarx was not a pleasant man to look at, nor yet to talk to, or to be with, for no one could help seeing that he was a sordid and selfish character, and that he had warped further and further out of the straight with time.
Wreck of the Golden Mary by
Charles Dickens
A brisk, bright, blue-eyed fellow, a very neat figure and rather under the middle size, never out of the way and never in it.
Wreck of the Golden Mary by
Charles Dickens