The Virginian Quotes

The Virginian Quotes by Owen Wister

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"There are worse evils than war." ~ The Virginian by Owen Wister Many an act that man does is right or wrong according to the time and place which form, so to speak, its context; strip it of its surrounding circumstances, and you tear away its meaning. Gentlemen reformers, beware of this common practice of yours! beware of calling an act evil on Tuesday because that same act was evil on Monday! ~ The Virginian by Owen Wister I thought there should in truth be heavy damages for malpractice on human souls. ~ The Virginian by Owen Wister "When you call me that, SMILE." ~ The Virginian by Owen Wister "When yu' can't have what you choose, yu' just choose what you have." ~ The Virginian by Owen Wister

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