No matter how hard you try to be what you once were, you can only be what you are here and now.
Dandelion Wine by
Ray Bradbury
"Bees do have a smell, you know, and if they don't they should, for their feet are dusted with spices from a million flowers."
Dandelion Wine by
Ray Bradbury
A good night sleep, or a ten minute bawl, or a pint of chocolate ice cream, or all three together, is good medicine.
Dandelion Wine by
Ray Bradbury
The kitchen, without doubt, was the center of creation, all things revolved about it; it was the pediment that sustained the temple.
Dandelion Wine by
Ray Bradbury
The sun did not rise, it overflowed.
Dandelion Wine by
Ray Bradbury
"Kindness and intelligence are the preoccupations of age. Being cruel and thoughtless is far more fascinating when you're twenty."
Dandelion Wine by
Ray Bradbury
"Old men only lie in wait for people to ask them to talk. Then they rattle on like a rusty elevator wheezing up a shaft."
Dandelion Wine by
Ray Bradbury
The first thing you learn in life is you're a fool. The last thing you learn in life is you're the same fool.
Dandelion Wine by
Ray Bradbury