Atlas Shrugged Quotes

Atlas Shrugged Quotes by Ayn Rand

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Posts About Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Five Quotes About Money From Literature
quotes about money

Don’t be alarmed, but tax day is coming!  That sad and inevitable fact has got me reviewing my budget and thinking about money. “Money, you think, is the sole motive to pains and hazard, deception and deviltry, in this world.

New Quotes Added – Atlas Shrugged and More
Quotes from Literature

Today I added two dozen new quotes to the collection.  Some of my favorites are: It has been said that the love of money is the root of all evil. The want of money is so quite as truly. ~ Erewhon by Samuel Butler

5 Atlas Shrugged Quotes Found!

"Let me give you a tip on a clue to men's characters: the man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it." ~ Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand "Miss Taggart, do you know the hallmark of the second-rater? It's resentment of another man's achievement." ~ Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand "People don't want to think. And the deeper they get into trouble, the less they want to think. But by some sort of instinct, they feel that they ought to and it makes them feel guilty. So they'll bless and follow anyone who gives them a justification for not thinking." ~ Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand "Don't ever get angry at a man for stating the truth." ~ Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand She was twelve years old when she told Eddie Willers that she would run the railroad when they grew up. She was fifteen when it occurred to her for the first time that women did not run railroads and that people might object. To hell with that, she thought-and never worried about it again. ~ Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

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