"I must go to the window and get some air. Shall I jump out? No; it disfigures one so, and the coroner's inquest lets so many people see it."
Armadale by
Wilkie Collins
In all the thousands of times I have asked other people for advice, I never yet got the advice I wanted.
Armadale by
Wilkie Collins
Books—the generous friends who met me without suspicion—the merciful masters who never used me ill!
Armadale by
Wilkie Collins
It may be that mortal free-will can conquer mortal fate; and that going, as we all do, inevitably to death, we go inevitably to nothing that is before death.
Armadale by
Wilkie Collins
I have noticed that the Christianity of a certain class of respectable people begins when they open their prayer-books at eleven o'clock on Sunday morning, and ends when they shut them up again at one o'clock on Sunday afternoon. Nothing so astonishes and insults Christians of this sort as reminding them of their Christianity on a week-day.
Armadale by
Wilkie Collins