The sense of humor dies hard.
Personality Plus by Edna Ferber
"It's been my experience," observed Emma McChesney, "that when a firm condescends to pay a woman twice as much as a man, that means she's worth six times as much."
Personality Plus by Edna Ferber
To some few millions of people D-e-c-e-m-b-e-r spells Christmas.
Roast Beef, Medium by Edna Ferber
"I'm tired of hearing you men say that this and that and the other isn't woman's work. Any work is woman's work that a woman can do well."
Roast Beef, Medium by Edna Ferber
Roast Beef, Medium, is not only a food. It is a philosophy. Seated at Life's Dining Table, with the menu of Morals before you, your eye wanders a bit over the entrees, the hors d'oeuvres, and the things a la though you know that Roast Beef, Medium, is safe and sane, and sure.
Roast Beef, Medium by Edna Ferber
"Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling."
Roast Beef, Medium by Edna Ferber