Benjamin Disraeli Quotes

Benjamin Disraeli Quotes

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"The world is devoted to physical science, because it believes these discoveries will increase its capacity of luxury and self-indulgence. But the pursuit of science leads only to the insoluble." ~ Lothair by Benjamin Disraeli Men moralise among ruins, or, in the throng and tumult of successful cities, recall past visions of urban desolation for prophetic warning. ~ Tancred by Benjamin Disraeli "I hold that duty cannot exist without faith." ~ Tancred by Benjamin Disraeli The conduct of men depends upon their temperament, not upon a bunch of musty maxims. ~ Henrietta Temple by Benjamin Disraeli "One event makes another: what we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expected generally happens; and time can only prove which is most for our advantage." ~ Henrietta Temple by Benjamin Disraeli "Time is the great physician." ~ Henrietta Temple by Benjamin Disraeli Debt is the prolific mother of folly and of crime; it taints the course of life in all its dreams. ~ Henrietta Temple by Benjamin Disraeli Knowledge must be gained by ourselves. Mankind may supply us with facts; but the results, even if they agree with previous ones, must be the work of our own mind. ~ The Young Duke by Benjamin Disraeli "There is no such thing as unmixed evil. A man who loses his money gains, at least, experience, and sometimes something better." ~ The Young Duke by Benjamin Disraeli "The age of chivalry is past," said Miss Dacre. "Bores have succeeded to dragons." ~ The Young Duke by Benjamin Disraeli

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