Could James M. Barrie, the author of Peter Pan, be the literary Kevin Bacon of his day? It might sound a little nutty, but take a look at his connections:
- He had a long-standing correspondence with Robert Louis Stevenson. Despite that fact that the two wrote many letters, they never met in person.
- George Meredith, the author of The Ordeal of Richard Feverel, was his friend.
- George Bernard Shaw was Barrie’s neighbor for several years.
- He collaborated with H.B. Marriott Watson on a biography of Richard Savage.
- Barrie’s friend H. G. Wells tried to help him with his marital problems.
- Barrie knew Thomas Hardy.
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and James M. Barrie were good friends. You can read about their friendship at our partner site, The Chronicles of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
- Barrie’s formed a cricket team, the Allah-Akabarries. Some of Barrie’s teammates included, Conan Dolye, H. G. Wells, Jerome K. Jerome, P. G. Wodehouse, A. E. W. Mason, E. V. Lucas, E. W. Hornung, Maurice Hewlett, A. A. Milne (of Winnie the Pooh fame) and G. K. Chesterton.